Extended Resources

Not everyone has access to a good local museum, or hands on materials due to lack of funding or even simply due to not living near such resources. The Museum of the Cosmos intends to alleviate this problem by providing you, whether you’re a teacher, a student or simply a curious mind, with access to quality content that can help you learn about the world we find ourselves in.

3D Models

3D models can be used to provide the next best option to actually holding something in your hands or traveling to a relevant location. These models can be used to better understand the shape, form and mechanics of an object and they are a fine supplement to a classroom lesson or for study.

Through our Sketchfab page, you’ll have access to the 3D models we have created as well as lists of the quality 3D models made by others that we have come across.

Recommended YouTube channels

The videos produced by these channels are generally of very high quality and are created by people with relevant training and expertise in addition to their tendency to show their work. The videos found on these channels may work well as a lesson supplement in the classroom, as a visual aid or even a more entertaining way to introduce a subject to students.